At Budget Waste protecting the environment and natural resources is of the upmost importance to us. Our ultimate aim is to recycle 100% of all the waste brought in to be processed at our transfer station.
Your waste stays with us throughout the whole process, from collection right through to being graded as a recyclable product. Every piece of waste that is handled by our company is recorded in order that we can provide a full paper trail of the journey of our waste. We have never failed an audit and keep full waste records for up to 3 years.
Our Site
Your waste is first transported to site in one of our self managed fleet vehicles, next the waste is tipped out into the shed at out fully licensed wast transfer station in Blaydon before the light bulk material is picked out by hand by our group of waste separation operatives and placed into the bucket of the a loading shovel. The shovel tips the bulky materials into the correct skips i.e wood, metal, paper… Heavier material is picked out using a 360 grab with a selector attachment. Smaller material is loaded into a trommel which sorts the waste by size.

Screening & Crushing
Intert material (bricks, tiles, soils etc) are separated in the waste shed using the loading shovel and 360 excavator. The material is bulked up out side in bays then once adequate amounts are built up is separated using a screener. The screener separates the material by size, soil ends up down one belt and rubble down the other. The soil is then sent off for use in back filling quarries or sold as garden soil for domestic projects. The rubble is crushed to use as a sub base for roads.
Trommel Seperation
The trommel is like an industrial size drum on a washing machine which automates the process of separating dust and finer materials from the bulkier waste. Automation allows us to separate a much larger amount of waste than we would be able to sort by hand.
Wood Chipping
All our wood is bulked up, chipped and ends up in the furnaces of power stations around the UK where it is used as fuel to power homes and businesses.
Biodegradable waste or green waste as it is sometimes known is cleaned at our site then moved to a composting facility where it is shredded, screeded and put through various other processes and then eventually turned into an compost materials for use in growing vegetables, plants and lawns.
Scrap Metal Smelting
Our scrap metal is segregated, bulked up and sent off to furnaces throughout the World here it is turned back into metals to be used in an array of products such as new cars, electric appliances…
Cardboard & Paper Mill
Cardboard and paper is baled at out sent then is sent off to various recycling centres throughout the North East of England. From here the material is bulked up again and loaded into shipping containers where it travels as far as India and Vietnam to be processed back into recycled paper and cardboard.